At the risk of nothing, this blog has begun as a possibility to replace my presence in a defunct G+. Time will tell. Last night or early this morning I had a disturbing dream. I dreamed I was someplace I didn't belong and Donald Trump kept showing up, pissed off because I was taking his space & and the space of other luminaries in beds throughout some area such as a campsite or similar gathering. I have no idea how long this persisted but in the end, he seemed to be giving ground and accepting my presence. In fact, if memory serves me, he was becoming deferential to my presence by joking to others my presence. I normally do not have dreams. At least dreams that I can remember snippets of. Craps, maybe I missed my calling. At the tender age of 83, now is not the time to bloom.
Well, at anyrate, this occurance is as good a place to start a blog as any.